51 - Generating Quotes in Peachtree

Sage Peachtree Accounting 2009 Training in Urdu / Hindi
Generating quotes though is optional, but considered first step is a sales work flow. This video will show user show to generate quotes. We have taken example of a new customer and will learn how to generate the sales quote for that that customer. Users will learn about concept of good through date, and how it effects the business. Users will learn best practices to generate quotes when giving discount to customers. Finally we will learn about how to add more rows to quotes, adding special notes to the quotes, where notes can be customer notes, statement notes or internal notes and as well discussed difference between notes. We will as well have a brief look at the behind the scene transactions being recorded. Once quote has been generated, we will learn about the concept of events, where users will be reminded of sent quotes.
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Last modified: Monday, 19 October 2015, 4:15 PM